Invasion of the Bottle Snatchers

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NeutralInvasion of the Bottle Snatchers
Start Sally Fizzlefury
End Sally Fizzlefury
Level 4 (Requires 4)
Category The Wandering Isle
Rewards  [Empty Brew Bottle]
Previous N [4] Barrel of Monkies
Next N [4] Kegplosion


Sally Fizzlefury wants you to recover 5 stolen brewskies from the Brewhunters near the farm in Shen-zin Su.


As if the hozu weren't enough now we have a bunch of renegade dwarven brewmaster wannabes floating around.

Can you please recover the brewskies they stole? It would cripple the Ironforge economy if this many "entrepreneurs" started popping up.


You will receive:
Inv drink 11.png [Empty Brew Bottle]



  1. N [4] Barrel of Monkies
  2. N [4] Invasion of the Bottle Snatchers
  3. N [4] Kegplosion

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