Barrel of Monkies

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NeutralBarrel of Monkies
Start Sally Fizzlefury
End Sally Fizzlefury
Level 4 (Requires 4)
Category The Wandering Isle
Experience 200
Rewards 55c
Next N [4] Invasion of the Bottle Snatchers


Sally Fizzlefury wants you to kill 5 drunken monkies.


These monkeymen are driving me insane! I was just trying to get some insight into panderan[sic] brewing tactics and these hozu things keep drinking the brews before I can properly chemical test them. Can you please go take a few of them out as a lesson to the others? I'll make it worth your while.


You will receive:


  1. N [4] Barrel of Monkies
  2. N [4] Invasion of the Bottle Snatchers
  3. N [4] Kegplosion

Patch changes

External links