Boiling Point (WC3 Undead)

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This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Boiling Point is an interlude in the undead campaign Legacy of the Damned.

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Hours later, near the base of the Icecrown Glacier, King Arthas and Anub'arak finally reach the main stronghold of the Scourge.


Several hours later, Arthas and Anub'arak arrive at the base of the glacier.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: We've made it, Anub'arak. Our forces are already assembled and waiting.
IconSmall Necromancer.gif Necromancer: Greetings, King Arthas. You've arrived just in time. Illidan's naga and blood elf forces have taken up positions at the base of the glacier and--
Arthas has another vision.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: Aarrghh....
IconSmall LichKing.gif The Lich King: Arthas, my champion. You have come at last.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: Master?
IconSmall LichKing.gif The Lich King: There is a fracture in my prison, the Frozen Throne, and my energies are seeping from it. That is why your powers have diminished.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: But how?
IconSmall LichKing.gif The Lich King: The runeblade, Frostmourne, was once locked inside the Throne as well. I thrust it from the ice so that it would find its way to you... and then lead you to me.
IconSmall LichKing.gif The Lich King: And so it has.
IconSmall LichKing.gif The Lich King: For now we face a grave danger. My creator, the demonlord Kil'jaeden, sent his agents here to destroy me.
IconSmall LichKing.gif The Lich King: If they should reach the Frozen Throne before you, all will be lost. The Scourge will be undone. Now hurry! I will grant you all the power I can spare.
The vision ends.
IconSmall ArthasDK.gif King Arthas: I saw another vision of the Lich King. He has restored my powers! I know now what I must do. It's time to end the game... once and for all.
