Into The Wilderness (Alliance)

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AllianceInto The Wilderness
Start Chris Clarkie [43.3, 76.7]
End Chris Clarkie [43.3, 76.7]
Level 100 (Requires 100)
Category Stormshield
Experience 7540
Reputation +250 Wrynn's Vanguard
Rewards 15g 40s
Previous A [100] The Road of Glory
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [100] Into The Wilderness.


Chris Clarkie in Stormshield Stronghold wants you to kill a member of the Horde outside of the main road and recover a piece of their armor.


The Road of Glory is not just the only field of strife in this land, <name>. We must go into the wilderness here to uncover the artifacts.

Venture forth and kill a member of the Horde you find in the outskirt areas and bring me back a piece of their armor to prove your worth.


You will receive: 15g 40s


That was fast, did you bring me a piece of their armor as proof?


Fantastic. You can always bring me back tokens you find on Horde corpses for a bonus reward.



  1. B [100] Welcome to Ashran
  2. B [100] Reporting For Duty
  3. B [100] The Road of Glory
  4. B [100] Into The Wilderness

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