Instructor Mossthorn

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NeutralInstructor Mossthorn
Image of Instructor Mossthorn
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 45
Class Monk
Reaction Friendly
Affiliation(s) Shang Xi's Academy, Order of the Broken Temple
Occupation Instructor
Location Shang Xi Training Grounds, Wandering Isle [58.5, 17.5]
Status Alive

Instructor Mossthorn is a pandaren found in Shang Xi Training Grounds on the Wandering Isle. He is watching trainees practice.

During the Burning Legion's third invasion, he is seen working with the Order of the Broken Temple. He is also present in Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore.



Shouldn't you be training, young <class>?

Discipline your mind and body, and there is little that you cannot achieve.


Welcome to the training grounds.

Here we learn to discipline the mind and the body.

Patch changes

External links

Wandering Isle Temple of Five Dawns Broken Shore