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Ingra Krazic

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MobIngra Krazic
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Gender Male
Race Drust (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Grove of Awakening, Ardenweald
Status Killable

Ingra Krazic is a Drust located in the Grove of Awakening in Ardenweald.


  • Spell shadow possession.png Manifest Dread — Strikes an enemy with manifested dread, inflicting 3 Shadow damage and causing them to flee in terror for 3 sec.
  • Spell fire twilightflamebolt.png Spirit Bolt — Fire a bolt of deathly energy that inflicts 8 Shadow damage.

Objective of


Pitiful fools! You will bow before the might of the Drust!
Bested? By... You...?

Patch changes

External links