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Infiltrator Krenaea

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NeutralInfiltrator Krenaea
Image of Infiltrator Krenaea
Gender Female
Race Aranakk (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Infiltrator
Location Hall of Blades, Maldraxxus

Infiltrator Krenaea is an aranakk located in Hall of Blades in Maldraxxus.



This one holds the power to imbue maldracite with anima.

Pulling the enhancement from him will grant you the following:

[Primed Maldracite]: You maintain a shard of maldracite that absorbs souls of those you defeat. When reduced below a health threshold, it shatters, knocking back nearby enemies and shielding you a short time.

This effect cannot happen very often, though each time you deal a killing blow its cooldown is reduced.

Gossip Grant me this enhancement

This one holds the power to imbue maldracite with anima. He's also terrified. See that look in his eyes?

Patch changes

See also

Covenant enhancements
Location NPC Enhancement
Kyrian The Eonian Archives, Bastion Caelus the Harmonic[40.17, 19.33] Vesper of Clarity (buff)
Kyrian The Eonian Archives, Bastion Velyria the Scholarly[40.25, 19.17] Ascendant's Lodestar
Kyrian The Eonian Archives, Bastion Xaevian the Watchful[40.36, 19.15] Watch of the Wise
Night Fae Claw's Edge, Ardenweald Sir Sweetthistle[49.7, 28.4] Trickster's Moves
Night Fae Claw's Edge, Ardenweald Buoruon[56, 33] Tirnenn Wrath
Night Fae Claw's Edge, Ardenweald Ka'rolel[62.6, 41.3] Vorkai Charge
Necrolord House of Rituals, Maldraxxus Infiltrator Rexnas[66.4, 31.6] Skeleton Command
Necrolord House of Rituals, Maldraxxus Infiltrator Xirnek[66.3, 32] Arctic Flesh
Necrolord House of Rituals, Maldraxxus Infiltrator Krenaea[66.6, 32.6] Primed Maldracite
Venthyr Shrouded Asylum, Revendreth "Shrouded" Arcanist[22, 55.6] [Ashen Urn]
Venthyr Shrouded Asylum, Revendreth "Shrouded" Sorcerer[21.8, 55.5] [Thirst For Anima]
Venthyr Shrouded Asylum, Revendreth "Shrouded" Marauder[21,7, 55,7] [Mobile Mirror Set]

External links