In and Out

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The subject of this article or section was part of Operation: Gnomeregan, a world event that heralded the recovery of the surface of Gnomeregan before Cataclysm.
AllianceIn and Out
Start Captain Tread Sparknozzle
End Captain Tread Sparknozzle
Level 80 (Requires 1)
Category Dun Morogh
Experience Varies (6g 63s at 80)
Previous A [80] Basic Orders
Next A [80] One Step Forward...

This quest is part of the Operation: Gnomeregan quest chain.


Test out the ejection system in the Ejector Mechano-Tank.

  • Ejection System Tested


We've gotta get these new mechano-tanks ready for the assault. You ready to help test these bad boys out?! Of course you are!

First, we need to make sure that once you're in, you can get out. In battle, if you think your tank is going to explode, get out! I've seen many a good gnome stay in 'til the bitter end... then the tank blows up, and them along with it.

Well, I've upgraded this tank with an ejection seat. Try it out for me, will ya?




Those ejection systems aren't going to test themselves... though that isn't a bad idea...


Hey, look at that! You weren't blown to bits!


Hop in, hit 6, walk back to the captain.

While it is fun to walk around in the tank, if you stray too far from the area you will get a warning you must stay close and then you be automatically ejected from the tank if you continue. This applies to all three quests.


  1. A [80] A Few Good Gnomes
  2. A [80] Basic Orders
  3. Complete both of:
  4. A [80] Prepping the Speech
  5. A [80] Words for Delivery
  6. A [75] Words for Delivery (optional)
  7. A [75] Operation: Gnomeregan

Patch changes

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