In The Rhythm

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For the hunter talent, see [In the Rhythm].
In The Rhythm
  • In The Rhythm
  • Hunter Azerite trait
    When Rapid Fire finishes fully channeling, your Haste is increased by X for 8 sec.
  • Requires Marksmanship specialization.
Class Hunter
Specialization Marksmanship
Type Class traits
Affects [Rapid Fire]
Related buff
  • In The Rhythm
  • Haste increased by X.
  • Duration: 8 seconds

In The Rhythm is an Azerite trait available to Marksmanship hunters.


  • In the Battle for Azeroth alpha, this trait went through two other iterations: Rapid Fire, which increased the damage of [Rapid Fire]; and Piercing Shots, which granted each of [Rapid Fire]'s shots a 4% chance to hit an additional target.

Patch changes

External links