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Image of Ly'leth Lunastre

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NeutralImage of Ly'leth Lunastre
Image of Image of Ly'leth Lunastre
Gender Female
Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shal'Aran, Suramar
Status Active

The Image of Ly'leth Lunastre is a Ly'leth Lunastre's projection located in Shal'Aran in Suramar.

Ly'leth's image offers you chat options to get in touch with current news in Suramar City. Each message is available after completing a step in  [Insurrection]. Each message ends with Dismissing chat bubble.


<Ly'leth's image peers at you expectantly. Would you like to hear the message it bears?>

Gossip <Listen to first message.> (appears after completing N [45] Visitor in Shal'Aran)

No movement just yet. I suspect Elisande is quite comfortable with the current climate in the city. It is quiet. Perhaps our people are too afraid to cry out after the atrocity at the Waning Crescent...

I have not been able to locate Vanthir. His name is conspicuously absent from our discussions.

As an amusing piece of trivia, Elisande is the least punctual person I have ever had the misfortune to serve.

I will report in again as soon as I can. Take care, Thalyssra.

Gossip Dismiss the message.

Gossip <Listen to second message.> (appears after completing N [45] Waning Refuge)

As you requested, I have inquired about the Felsoul Hold situation. It appears that your efforts have slowed the trafficking significantly. I regret to say that it will likely not stop without further intervention.

There is some talk of a sweep for deserters after the events of Astravar Harbor. Advise your people to keep an eye out. More defectors may be coming your way.

In lighter news, there is a new fashion trend sweeping the palace. There is an obsession with placing ornamental orange birds on their heads. Baffling, truly.

As ever, I continue to seek our mutual friend. As soon as I know more I will reach out to you directly.

Stay strong, First Arcanist.

Gossip Dismiss the message.

Gossip <Listen to third message.> (appears after completing N [45] Sign of the Dusk Lily)

I am so glad Vanthir is safe. Give him my best! I hope to see him in person soon.

Things are... growing tense. The Dusk Lily display really rattled the nobility. They are not in agreement of how to handle the situation but violence is most assuredly an option. I worry for those still trapped in the city.

I have caught wind of some movement in the Promenade- they may be reinforcing the area. Something worth keeping an eye on.

I will report in when I have more information.

Gossip Dismiss the message.

Gossip <Listen to fourth message.> (appears after completing N [45G3] Break An Arm)

Your new allies have not gone unnoticed.

I do not know where you found such a band but I had to hide my pleasure at their progress infiltrating the Promenade.

The mood here is increasingly disturbed. The nobles no longer have any illusion that they can avoid a fight. Elisande will not allow them to stand idly by while Suramar is overrun by Outlanders.

I would not assume victory just yet, my friend.

Be cautious, and be strong. I will see you soon.

Gossip Dismiss the message.

Gossip <Listen to fifth message.> (appears after completing N [45] Trial by Demonfire)

I do not have long. This report will be regrettably brief.

Elisande is furious. She is planning something, but I have no details yet.

My eyes and ears are open as ever. As soon as I know what she is up to I will contact you.

Be safe.

Gossip Dismiss the message.

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