Illari Duskfeather

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NeutralIllari Duskfeather
Image of Illari Duskfeather
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Arathi Highlands

Illari Duskfeather is a night elf found on the eastern coast of the Arathi Highlands. There is a boat near the Thandol Span that can be used to reach her.


  • Ability warrior disarm.png Disarm — Disarms an enemy, forcing it to stop wielding its weapon for 6 sec.

Objective of



<Illari's eye's[sic] narrow with suspicion.>

What are you doing here, <race>?

Horde Illari turns hostile and attacks.

AllianceGossip You're the one who attacked those Alliance camps in Desolace, aren't you?

Yes, and I'd do it again if those damned Marshals weren't so persistent.
Gossip But you're a night elf. Why would you do such a thing?
Kalimdor belongs to the kaldorei. I refuse to see it defiled by the lesser races.
Our leaders act as if the Alliance and the Horde are so different, but they debase our lands all the same. Do you not see how the dwarves plunder the earth for all that they can? Do you think the human appetite for expansion will not bring them to the foot of Teldrassil some day; blades and torches in hand?
To think my people bowed to those vermin over a few orcish lumber camps. Pathetic.
If our leaders cannot protect us, then I will do what must be done.
Gossip The people you killed were civilians. What you've done is abhorrent.
Illari turns hostile and attacks.
Night elfNight elfGossip I sympathize with your plight, Illari. Kalimdor is ours, and ours alone.
<Illari's expression softens, if only slightly.>
It is good to see my kaldorei brethren still have some fight within them.
I'd like you to have something.
<Illari hands you a key.>
This will unlock the cache in the nearby shed. I've found some powerful items in my travels, and I'd like to share with a fellow believer in my cause.
Be strong, <name>, and may Elune watch over you.
No! It cannot end here!
Illari vanishes, leaving behind a Dropped Pouch.

Patch changes

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