Ikfirus the Vile

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HordeIkfirus the Vile
Image of Ikfirus the Vile
Title <Rogue Armor>
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 30
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Light's Hammer, Icecrown Citadel
Status Alive

Ikfirus the Vile is a Forsaken that can be found in Light's Hammer of Icecrown Citadel. He sells the Tier 10 armor for rogues.

His name is also mentioned in the chest piece  [Ikfirus' Sack of Wonder].

Mark Gibbons's concept art for the Shadowblade's Battlegear refers to Ikfirus as the Geist Lord.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Cost.

Inv chest leather 22.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Breastplate]
Inv chest leather 22.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Breastplate]
Inv gauntlets 85.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Gauntlets]
Inv gauntlets 85.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Gauntlets]
Inv helmet 149.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Helmet]
Inv helmet 149.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Helmet]
Inv pants leather 34.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Legplates]
Inv pants leather 34.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Legplates]
Inv shoulder 112.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Pauldrons]
Inv shoulder 112.png [Sanctified Shadowblade Pauldrons]
Inv chest leather 22.png [Shadowblade Breastplate]
67g 66s 58c
Inv gauntlets 85.png [Shadowblade Gauntlets]
34g 15s 83c
Inv helmet 149.png [Shadowblade Helmet]
51g 4s 59c
Inv pants leather 34.png [Shadowblade Legplates]
68g 44s 66c
Inv shoulder 112.png [Shadowblade Pauldrons]
55g 57s 34c



Greetings, hero. I craft and sell Shadowblade armor for rogues.

Patch changes

External links