I Never Forget a Face

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HordeI Never Forget a Face
Start  [Partially Digested Head]
End Lord Godfrey
Level 5-30
Category Silverpine Forest
Experience 1450
Reputation +250 Undercity
Shareable Yes
Next H [5-30] From the Belly of the Beast


Give the Partially Digested Head to Lord Godfrey in Silverpine Forest.


You have discovered a partially digested head. Lord Godfrey perks up when he sees it. Perhaps you should give it to him.


I never forget a face!


I know that face, <name>. This head belongs to a former Gilnean known as Sean Dempsey. He was imprisoned with Crowley before the great outbreak.

I wonder if it would be possible to put him back together. The rest of him must be in the belly of these crocolisks.


You will receive:

  • 1450 XP (or 9s at max level)
  • 250 reputation with Undercity

Patch changes

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