I'm Not Supposed to Tell You This

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NeutralI'm Not Supposed to Tell You This
Start Pamela Redpath
End Pamela Redpath
Level 15-30
Category Eastern Plaguelands
Experience 4600
Rewards  [Joseph's Spare Belt] or
 [Finder's Keepers] or
 [Hide of the Lone Hunter]
Previous N [15-30] Little Pamela
Next N [15-30] Uncle Carlin

This quest is part of the Rewriting the Battle of Darrowshire quest chain.


Obtain Joseph's Hunting Blade from The Lone Hunter in Eastern Plaguelands.


My daddy always kept two swords: one for fighting with men, and one for hunting the animals. I wasn't supposed to touch his swords, but I knew where he hid them.

One day, he told my mommy that he was going to fight a "lone hunter" in the hills to the east, but he brought his animal sword with him! When he came back, he didn't have his sword with him.

When daddy comes back, he'll be so happy when I give him his animal sword! Will you go and find it?


Daddy loved his animal sword. He seemed sad when he didn't have it anymore.


That's my daddy's sword! How did you find it? Did you find the bad hunter?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv belt 86v2.png [Joseph's Spare Belt] Inv gauntlets 120v2.png [Finder's Keepers]
Inv shoulder 139.png [Hide of the Lone Hunter]


  • "...always kept two swords: one for fighting with men, and one for hunting the animals." might be a reference to the witcher Geralt of Rivia.


  1. N [15-30] Little Pamela
  2. Both of the following, in either order:
  3. N [15-30] Uncle Carlin
  4. N [15-30] A Strange Historian
  5. All of the following, in any order:
  6. N [15-30] The Battle of Darrowshire
  7. N [15-30] Hidden Treasures

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