I'll Try Anything!

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AllianceI'll Try Anything!
Start Christopher Sloan
End Christopher Sloan
Level 10-30
Category Howling Fjord
Experience 12650
Reputation +250 Valiance Expedition
Rewards 4g 40s
Next The One That Got Away


Christopher Sloan at Fort Wildervar wants you to bring him 7 Northern Barbfish.


I never want to see another barrel of salted fish as long as I live! Filling barrels day in and day out, and there are still more to be filled!

I wish I hadn't used up all that bait I bought from Nat Pagle. Worked like magic, it did. Now I'm lucky if I can catch a fish an hour!

I hear the northern barbfish make pretty good bait, but who's crazy enough to dive into a freezing cold lake and hack up the water plants in search of them? Not me... but maybe, just maybe, I can persuade you to...


You will receive: 4g 40s


You look like you're still in one piece. Get any of that bait?


Well, these certainly are ugly enough, but I suppose I don't care if it actually works. I'll be relieved once the expedition has passed through and I can simply go back to fishing for my dinner.


Get in the water, look for the Water Plants, loot them to hopefully spawn a  [Northern Barbfish] and kill it. Otherwise, kill whatever else spawns.

The other things that can spawn from a water plant are:


  1. A [10-30] I'll Try Anything!
  2. A [10-30] The One That Got Away

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