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Start Keshki
End Keshki
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 7,250
Reputation +100 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards  [Jar of Fireflies]
25g 74s
Previous N [60-62] Huddle at the Hollow
Next N [60-62] Home Is Where the Frogs Are


Use Keshki's Jar of Fireflies to lure 8 Bullied Frogs to safety.


Oh, those hornswogs make me so mad!

<Keshki stomps her foot angrily, knocking her glasses askew>

They're big, greedy bullies! Just because the place is named after them doesn't mean they get to jump all around and eat everything smaller than them!

Here, use my jar of fireflies--it's a frog-minder's best friend. It'll calm the frogs enough that you can collect them, and we can get them out of harm's way.

And if any hornswogs get in your way, don't be afraid to bully them back!


You will receive:


Frogs are gentle creatures! It's not fair to push them around like this!


Whew, all the frogs we helped are in the carrier!


  1. N [60-62] A Ruby Lifecalling
  2. Complete all of:

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