Homunculus (Karazhan)

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For the type of creature, see Homunculus.
Image of Homunculus
Race Homunculus (Demon)
Level 30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Guardian's Library, Karazhan

The Homonculi of Karazhan are described as "demons with cool names".[1] Homunculi in general are a type of lifelike undead construct.[2] Kirin Tor doctrine frowns upon making homunculi, but some understand the principles involved in creating them, one of them being Khadgar.[3]

They provide 3 reputation with the Violet Eye when killed.

Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

Within Return to Karazhan few can be spotted upside down at Guardian's Library.


  • Spell fire firebolt.png Fire Bolt — Shoots a bolt of flame at an enemy, inflicting Fire damage.


These come with Shadow Pillagers and there are frequently several of them. Have your warlock use Enslave Demon on one of them and [Banish] another, they're pretty easy to burn down.


Patch changes


  1. ^ Jeremy Feasel on Twitter (2015-06-15).​ “@jmark73193 Imps are demons. Homunculi in Kara are demons with cool names.”
  2. ^ B Rogue [45] Hiding In Plain Sight
  3. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 30-31

External links

Karazhan Return to Karazhan