Holy Diadem

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Holy Diadem drops from Caretaker Alaric, Caretaker Nevlin, and Caretaker Weston, all of whom reside in the crypt of Stromgarde Keep in the Arathi Highlands.


Holy Diadem was a low-chance drop off of Caretaker Alaric, Caretaker Nevlin, and Caretaker Weston prior to Cataclysm. Since the NPCs were friendly towards Alliance players, it was only possible for Horde players to farm for this item. It was not considered a good head piece, but the diadem was popular for both its name and appearance.

Considered the original "Wonder Woman" head piece, it was removed from the caretakers' loot tables when they were reduced from level 41 to level 27. The only other model that shared the appearance was  [Starfire Tiara], which became unobtainable when Jed Runewatcher was removed in Warlords of Draenor.

 [Cassandra's Grace] originally had a red star as well, but it was lost in an undocumented change sometime during the Mists of Pandaria expansion.


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