Hivemother Kraxi

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MobHivemother Kraxi
Image of Hivemother Kraxi
Gender Female
Race Wasp (Beast)
Level 10-50 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Vol'dun[53.6, 53.4]
Status Killable
Pet family Wasp

Hivemother Kraxi is a wasp vignette located in a large cave accessed from the Prickly Grove in Vol'dun.


  • Ability skyreach four wind.png Beat Wings — The caster beats their wings faster and faster, increasing haste by 5% for the caster and their allies within 10 yards for 10 sec.
  • Ability deathknight summongargoyle.png Screech — The caster lets out a screeching howl, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards.
  • Ability creature poison 03.png Venomous Sting — The caster stings its current target inflicting Nature damage and poisoning the target inflicting Nature damage every 2 sec. for 6 sec.


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