High Guard Reshef

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MobHigh Guard Reshef
Image of High Guard Reshef
Gender Male
Race Tol'vir (Humanoid)
Level 50 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Neferset tribe, Black Empire
Location Neferset City, Uldum[47, 77]
Status Killable

High Guard Reshef is a tol'vir located in Neferset City in Uldum.


  • Ability deathknight brittlebones.png Heaving Blow — Inflicts 57423 Physical damage and stuns all players in a cone in front of the Templar for 4 sec.
  • Inv sword 27.png Two-handed Weapon Specialist — This creature is specialized in the use of two-handed weapons. Auto-attacks have a chance to cause a second auto-attack.


Objective of

Patch changes

See also

External links