Hero of the Stormpike

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AllianceHero of the Stormpike
Start Prospector Stonehewer
End Prospector Stonehewer
Level 20-70
Type PvP
Category Alterac Valley
Experience 650
Previous A [20-70P] The Battle of Alterac
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-70P] Hero of the Frostwolf.


Speak with Prospector Stonehewer


As a hero of the Stormpike, you may choose one item from these recently plun... er, recovered treasures.


You will be able to choose one of these weapons:
Inv wand 01.png [Wand of Biting Cold] Inv spear 04.png [Ice Barbed Spear]
Inv weapon crossbow 07.png [Bloodseeker] Inv hammer 22.png [Cold Forged Hammer]


The Horde have a quest chain along similar lines, H [20-70P] The Battle for Alterac, to kill the Alliance general. Their quest leads to H [20-70P] Hero of the Frostwolf, yielding the same choice of weapon rewards as given to the Alliance.

In essence, this quest chain requires you to win AV. You should pick up A [20-70P] The Battle of Alterac quest before you head into the battleground for the first time.

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