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Heritage of the Earthen (quest)

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NeutralHeritage of the Earthen
Start Automatic
End Dawn
Level 50-70
Category Earthen
Rewards Inv misc questionmark.png Heritage of the Earthen


Upload experiences to the Archives in Dornogal.

  • Upload experiences


The time has come to give back to the Archives. All earthen wanderers are invited to share their experiences for the preservation of what has come before and the betterment of those who will come after. This knowledge and experience of the wider world of Azeroth is a priceless treasure, and the practice of sharing it is key to the earthen heritage.


You will learn:

Inv misc questionmark.png Heritage of the Earthen — Collect the appearances of the Heritage of the Earthen.


Have you uploaded your experiences yet?


We cannot thank you enough for this gift. Your experiences will be invaluable to the earthen still now awakening in the Ringing Deeps. Please accept this and wear it proudly as you continue to travel amongst the peoples of Azeroth and beyond.


Find the Archival Repository in the Archive in Dornogal.

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