Herbert Gloomburst

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HordeHerbert Gloomburst
Image of Herbert Gloomburst
Gender Male
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 1-10
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance
Location Exile's Reach
Beta appearance.

Herbert Gloomburst is a Forsaken located on Exile's Reach. An eccentric mage who enjoys magical experimentation, he accompanied the initial Horde expedition to the island and was nearly sacrificed by the harpies in the area.


  • Spell frost frostbolt02.png Frostbolt — Inflicts Frost damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed for 8 sec.
  • Spell nature polymorph.png Polymorph — Transforms an enemy into a sheep, forcing it to wander around for up to 1 min. While wandering, the sheep cannot attack or cast spells. Any damage will transform the target back into its normal form. Only one target can be polymorphed at a time. Only works on beasts, dragons, giants, humanoids, and critters.

Objective of



Main article: The Rescue of Herbert Gloomburst#Notes
Main article: A Hunter's Trap (Horde)#Notes
Main article: A Mage's Knowledge (Horde)#Notes
Main article: The Best Way to Use Sheep (Horde)#Notes
Main article: Right Beneath Their Eyes (Horde)#Notes
Main article: An End to Beginnings (Horde)#Notes

On click

  • Interested in some experimentation?
  • Necromancy! It's insane, right?
  • Need some... forbidden magic?
  • Never stop innovating.
  • See you around.
  • Stay... moderately safe.


Horde Camp

Say what you will about the forsaken, but at least we don't go around reviving dead dragons.

Well, most of us don't at least.


Patch changes

External links

Herbert Gloomburst Horde Mage