Helpless Young Druid

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AllianceHelpless Young Druid
Image of Helpless Young Druid
Gender Both
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Class Druid
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location Thal'darah Grove, Stonetalon Mountains
Status Alive

Helpless Young Druids are night elves located in Thal'darah Grove in Stonetalon Mountains.

Objective of


  • All of Darnassus will know what you have done for us.
  • Could we fly higher?
  • HELP!
  • I am forever indebted to you, friend.
  • I thought I was done for!
  • I will never forget this act of kindness.
  • I will repay you one day.
  • May Elune watch over you.
  • Our world needs more heroes like you.
  • Thank you, friend.
  • Thank you. You saved my life.
  • We're all going to die!
  • Where is Master Thal'darah!?
  • Won't somebody help us?
  • You are a hero.


Patch changes

External links