Hargoth Dimblaze

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NeutralHargoth Dimblaze
Image of Hargoth Dimblaze
Title <The Earthen Ring>
Gender Male
Race Wildhammer dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Class Shaman
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Earthen Ring
Location Deepholm; Twilight Highlands
Status Deceased

Hargoth Dimblaze is a Wildhammer dwarf shaman of the Earthen Ring located in the Temple of Earth in Deepholm, and later in the Twilight Highlands. He later attempts to escort Thrall to Wyrmrest Temple, but is killed by faceless ones.[1]


  • Spell nature bloodlust.png Bloodlust — Increases melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 30% for all party members. Lasts 40 sec.
  • Ability shaman lavalash.png Lava Lash — You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 100% off-hand Weapon damage. Damage is increased by 25% if your off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue.
  • Ability shaman stormstrike.png Stormstrike — Instantly attack with both weapons. In addition, the next 4 sources of Nature damage dealt to the target are increased by 20%. Lasts 12 sec.

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