Handle With Care (quest)

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For the Kun-Lai Summit quest, see N [20-35] Handle With Care. For the former Tanaris quest, see A [47] Handle With Care.
NeutralHandle With Care

Start Makael Bay
End Makael Bay
Level 1-20
Category Wandering Isle
Race IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif Pandaren
Experience 1,300
Reputation +250 Shang Xi's Academy
Rewards 3s
Previous N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Wrecking the Wreck
Next N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Urgent News


Recover 6 Packed Explosive Charges.


We can help you get your ship free, but we'll need more of the explosives we were trying to take back from the Alliance to make it happen.

I ordered the men to grab all the explosives they could before making our escape. If you sift through the wreckage and bodies to our south, there should be some explosive bundles among them, those that didn't already blow up anyway.

Get me enough of them and I think I can put something together for ya.


You will receive: 3s


You're in one piece. That's a good sign.

Did you get your hands on what I asked for?


More than enough. I've got the main control panel constructed. We should be ready very soon!


Pick up N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Evil from the Seas before heading out. More killing and looting in the same area.


  1. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Bidden to Greatness
  2. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Preying on the Predators & N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Stocking Stalks
  3. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Wrecking the Wreck
  4. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Handle With Care & N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Evil from the Seas
  5. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Urgent News
  6. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] None Left Behind & N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Medical Supplies & N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] From Bad to Worse
  7. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] An Ancient Evil
  8. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Risking It All
  9. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] The Healing of Shen-zin Su
  10. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] New Allies
  11. N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] A New Fate

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