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Image of Hanashi
Title <Weapon Master>
Gender Male
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darkspear Trolls
Location Unknown

Hanashi was a jungle troll located in the Arms of Legend in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar.

He was a weapon master, and taught the skill to wield the following:



Heya mon. You come right place learn how ta wield a new weapon.

Trainer I'd like some weapon training.

Gossip What can other weapon masters teach?

Ansekhwa, da tauren weapon master, is on da Thunder Bluff lower rise. He teach one and two-handed maces, staves and guns.

Archibald, da undead weapon master in da War Quarter of da Undercity, train good with crossbows, daggers, one and two-handed swords and polearms.

Sayoc, da ugly orc right here, can teach da ways of bows, daggers, fist weapons, one and two-handed axes and thrown weapons mon.

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