Hall of the Seasons

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The Hall of the Seasons as introduced (unnamed) in Mists of Pandaria, with the four elemental spirits
The Hall of the Seasons in Legion, with Shen-zin Su's head as the Forge of the Roaring Mountain

The Hall of the Seasons is the ground level of the interior of the Temple of Five Dawns on the Wandering Isle. In the center is a massive statue of Liu Lang on the back of Shen-zin Su. While the chamber existed in the Mists of Pandaria version of the Wandering Isle, it was made its own subzone as part of the monks' Class Hall in Legion; in the class hall version, the artifact forge, the Forge of the Roaring Mountain, is located on Shen-zin Su's head, and a pair of Teleportation Mandalas on either side of the statue allow access to the middle and upper levels. Iron-Body Ponshu can be found here.

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