Gurubashi Blood Drinker (Classic)

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For the dungeon version, see Gurubashi Blood Drinker.
MobGurubashi Blood Drinker
Image of Gurubashi Blood Drinker
Gender Both
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gurubashi tribe
Location Zul'Gurub
Status Killable

Gurubashi Blood Drinkers are a jungle troll trash mobs found in Zul'Gurub.


  • Ability racial cannibalize.png Blood Leech — Drains 263 to 337 health from nearby enemies, healing the caster for up to three times the amount stolen.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain02.png Drain Life — Drains 5000 health from an enemy over 5 sec., transferring it to the caster.

Blood Drinkers will frequently use their blooddrinking ability which will drain life out of players in range (AoE) and transfer it to the drinker. This is shadow damage and can be absorbed or resisted by the appropriate abilities.

They also have an ability that drains 1k life per second from any friendly target and heals them for 5k life a second. This ability will also break sheep, so you need to tank the Drinkers away from other CCd adds.


Blood Drinkers can be sheeped and rooted, and often are CC'd and saved for last when pulled with other mobs. Blood Drinkers should be tanked away from the raid and from each other by one tank per Blood Drinker, and attacked from range by everyone else. This minimizes the amount of healing they can do from their tank and from the other Blood Drinker(s).

An alternate way of dealing with them (assuming two priests are in group) is to mind control them, and use the ability that drains life from a friendly target and heals them. Mind control two of them on the pull, AOE with both of them, and then use one of them to drain the other's life down to 0 hp. MC the next mob, and do the same. You can wipe out entire groups (minus the remaining Blood Drinker). Also, for a fun joke, MC one and take out your teammates one by one(healers first). Then proceed to kill yourself (or you'll get a durability loss).


  • I gonna make you into mojo!
  • Killing you be easy.
  • My weapon be thirsty!
  • You be dead soon!

Patch changes

External links