Guard Captain Cragtar

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HordeGuard Captain Cragtar
Image of Guard Captain Cragtar
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Occupation Guard Captain
Location Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula
Status Alive

Guard Captain Cragtar is an orc captain found standing in the middle of Thrallmar in the Hellfire Peninsula by the bonfire watching over the 4 injured grunts. Like the other orcs first arriving in Outland he had no idea how there were still fel orcs present and lost some of his best soldiers from a fel orc assault.


Guard Captain Cragtar says: So there we were - me and the battalion, doing a routine recon down the bone road. We'd sent the scout up ahead to look around in case anything dangerous come up.
Guard Captain Cragtar says: Sure enough, scout came runnin' back, talkin' bout some orcs down the path. They hadn't seen us yet so we figured we'd go get acquainted.
Injured Thrallmar Grunt says: What kinda orcs, chief?
Guard Captain Cragtar says: Big red suckers! Bigger than any orc I'd ever seen. Muscles out to here, tusks out to here...
Injured Thrallmar Grunt says: You mean...
Guard Captain Cragtar nods.
Guard Captain Cragtar says: Fel orcs...
Injured Thrallmar Grunt says: But how, chief? I thought the curse was lifted...
Guard Captain Cragtar says: I dunno, grunt. I just - don't - know...
Guard Captain Cragtar says: But that's not the worst of it. Before I could pull us back, a group of 'em spotted us and attacked.
Guard Captain Cragtar says: Lost some of my best soldiers that day...


  • Notably the grunts call him "chief".

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