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Grom'kar Vanguard

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MobGrom'kar Vanguard
Image of Grom'kar Vanguard
Gender Both
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 20-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Grom'kar
Location Talador
Status Killable

Grom'kar Vanguards are orcs located in Mor'gran Logworks, Tuurem and Shattrath City in Talador.

They also attack The Lunarfall and Frostwall garrisons.


  • Grievous Shield Bash - Bashes an enemy with a shield, inflicting 110% weapon damage and an additional 1000 damage every 5.
  • Heroic Leap
  • Shoulder Charge
  • Battle Hardened

Objective of


  • Duck
  • For the glory of the Iron Horde!
  • I will be your end!
  • I will crush the life from your bones!
  • Nothing can stop the Iron Horde!
  • Our might will crush you!
  • The Iron Horde will break you!
  • You dare challenge our might?!
  • Your death will be my glory!

Patch changes

External links