Grom'kar Firemender

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MobGrom'kar Firemender
Image of Grom'kar Firemender
Gender Female
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 41 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Grom'kar
Location Blackrock Foundry
Status Killable

Grom'kar Firemenders are orcs located in Blackrock Foundry.


  • Cauterizing Bolt - Cauterizes the wounds of a target and allies within 5 yards, immediately inflicting 5% of their total health in damage, then restoring up to (1.5 * 5)% of their total health over 10 sec. A greater majority of this healing occurs quickly.
  • Lava Shock - Blasts a nearby target with lava, interrupting casts and inflicting periodic Fire damage over 3 sec.
  • Throw Grenade - Tosses a grenade at a location, inflicting Fire damage to enemies within 6 yards of the destination.

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