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Griniblix the Spectator

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NeutralGriniblix the Spectator
Image of Griniblix the Spectator
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dire Maul, Feralas

Griniblix the Spectator is a goblin in a black tunic. He does as his name implies, he watches the battles between the players and the rare spawns: Skarr the Unbreakable, The Razza or Mushgog in the central Dire Maul arena in Feralas. He yells as well if any of the other rare spawns have spawned and can be heard in any part of Dire Maul.



The excitement of the crowd, the thrill of the fight - you should have seen it! Ever since those ogres took control of the Dire Maul arena, I've been forced to camp out here. Griniblix the Spectator - ha! Spectator of what? This campfire? That shrub? Or how about this odd purple tree?

Listen, if you're looking for a fight, Skarr was headed towards the Lariss Pavilion, and The Razza was soaring in the direction of the New Thalanaar. Just be sure to let me in on the betting before the bloodbath begins!

Patch changes

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