Gregan Brewspewer

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NeutralGregan Brewspewer
Image of Gregan Brewspewer
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Feralas[45, 25]
Status Alive

Gregan Brewspewer is a dwarf located in a small camp just west of the road south of the Twin Colossals in Feralas. He is an expert in herbs and alchemy.[1] He used to live in Ironforge, but prefers the peacefulness of the forest to living in a big city. He is friends with the Marshal Expeditions member Muigin.[2] He is friendly to both Horde and Alliance.

Muigin sent adventurers to Gregan for help with studying the bloodpetal plants of Un'Goro Crater.[2] Donova Snowden sent adventurers to Gregan to ask him to brew a Videre elixir, which was necessary in the quest to improve Linken's sword.[3] To make the elixir, Gregan needed an Evoroot plant, guarded by Miblon Snarltooth. He sold the adventurers bait they could use to distract Miblon and get the Evoroot.[1]

Since the Cataclysm, Gregan is no longer involved in any quests, and his only purpose is to give dialogue that hints at how to find the rare mob Diamond Head.


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.

Inv misc food 50.png [Bait]


I saw it with me own two eyes! The biggest Makura[sic] ye ever seen, bigger'n a mountain giant's fist it was, clawed its way right up the side of one o' them twin colossals. I dunno how yeh plan on gettin' up there, but the beast's sure to have a load of treasure if yeh do.

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3 but is present in Classic Era.

Hi there! The name's Gregan. What can I do for ya?
Buy Buy somethin', will ya?
Gossip Can you tell me how I can get a Videre Elixir?
Sure thing, <name>. You look like you can be trusted... Trustworthy! I can spot that a mile away...
Anyway, back to what I was sayin'. Takes one Evoroot plant to make the Videre Elixir. The rest 'a the ingredients are trivial really, but the Evoroot, well, that can be a bit tricky to get.
Gossip How can I get Evoroot?
Heh, heh... Quite the inquisitive one, aren't ya <name>? Well, here's what you need to do.
North of here, in the old ruins, lives a very disagreeable gnoll by the name of Miblon Snarltooth. He guards the only Evoroot I know of, but he watches it day and night! Seems like he never even sleeps!
What you can do, is bribe him. I can sell you some bait that he'll find tasty -- just put it down near him and that will distract him long enough for you to grab the Evoroot. Good luck!



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