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Image of Gorat
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 7-30
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Occupation Assassin
Location Southwest of Fallen Sky Lake, Ashenvale[64.4, 84.6]
Status Deceased

Gorat is an orc assassin sent on a mission to find and eliminate the elf in charge of the assault on the Mor'shan Rampart.[1] He and his group were, however, killed after the elven leader had been discovered. Before he dies he is able to give his final report and some of his blood to an adventurer to return to Kadrak.

Dinah Halfmoon, using this blood, was able to imbue it which would allow Gorat's spirit to return to his body for a short duration. Upon returning to his body he quickly set out for his vengeance against the elven leader, thus completing his mission. Gorat shall forever be known as a hero of the Horde.



Initial gossip

The mortally wounded orc seems to be unconscious.

Later gossip

<The orc's lifeless body is no longer responsive....>

Patch changes


  1. ^ H [7-30] Find Gorat!

External links