Goodbye, Farewell

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AllianceGoodbye, Farewell
Start Medic Feorea
End Medic Feorea
Level 120 (Requires 120)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [35-60] The Troll's Tale
Next A [35-60] Xibala


Burn 5 7th Legion bodies.


Normally we would have a proper burial fer our fallen, but this is hostile territory. And we donna have a ship fer a burial at sea.

Even worse... there's Forsaken. I've seen first hand what they eat. We canna let that happen tae our own.

Cremation is the safest and kindest way tae deal wi'this situation.


You will receive:




I will say a prayer in yer honor tonight, fer tha service ya done yer compatriots.


  1. A [35-60] Foothold: Zuldazar
  2. A [35-60] Zuldazar Foothold
  3. A [35-60] The Troll's Tale
  4. A [35-60] Granting a Reprieve & A [35-60] Disarming the Cannons & A [35-60] Save Them All & A [35-60] A Lack of Surplus & A [35-60] That One's Mine
  5. A [35-60] Xibala
  6. A [35-60] Mole Machinations & A [35-60] Rocks of Ragnaros
  7. A [35-60] Fragment of the Firelands
  8. A [35-60] Champion: Kelsey Steelspark
  9. A [35-60] Return to Boralus

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