Going Off-Task (Horde)

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HordeGoing Off-Task
Start Megs Dreadshredder
End Megs Dreadshredder
Level 15-30
Category Tanaris
Experience 5790
Reputation +250 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards 65s
Previous H [15-30] Dead Man's Chest, H [15-30] Booty Duty
Next H [15-30] Captain Dreadbeard
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] Going Off-Task.


Kill the Southsea Taskmaster.


As you may have seen, the ship docked to the north has its cannons blazing. While it's pretty fun watching the gnomes run face-first into a hail of iron, my bruisers keep doing it too, and it's absolutely killing my overhead expenses.

I'd like you to try and dance through the cannonfire, get on that ship, and kill the taskmaster leading the cannoneers. The rest of the crew is probably a bunch of spineless prats; once he's down, we should be good.


Nice work, kid. Any close calls? Did you get grazed?

No? Good, because we've got more fish to fry here.


You will receive: 65s


  1. B [15-30] Momentum
  2. B [15-30] Dead Man's Chest
  3. B [15-30] To The Ground!, B [15-30] Going Off-Task, B [15-30] Filling Our Pockets
  4. B [15-30] Captain Dreadbeard

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