Lootin' Plunder

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AllianceLootin' Plunder
Start Kelsey Steelspark
End Kelsey Steelspark
Level 15-30
Category Tanaris
Experience 5790
Reputation +250 Gnomeregan
Rewards 65s
Previous B [15-30] Momentum
Next B [15-30] To The Ground!, B [15-30] Going Off-Task, B [15-30] Filling Our Pockets


Collect 10 pieces of Pirate Loot.


It's just really so wasteful that all these pirates have golden treasures laying around. Some of this stuff could be used for practical things! Like melting into wire, or intrinsic shielding matrices, or selling to other stupid races that buy gold just to keep it around.

And speaking of other stupid races, I bet those greedy goblins are going to be taking all of it. We can't let that happen! Go collect that treasure for Gnomeregan!


I hope you don't think you're hiding any for yourself, silly! These goggles can see right through your bags.

And your armor.


Fantastic! Gosh, this will make enough wire for an entire army.

Lucky us!


You will receive: 65s


  1. B [15-30] Momentum
  2. B [15-30] Dead Man's Chest
  3. B [15-30] To The Ground!, B [15-30] Going Off-Task, B [15-30] Filling Our Pockets
  4. B [15-30] Captain Dreadbeard

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