Goblin Shredder (War of the Thorns)

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For other usages, see Goblin Shredder (disambiguation).
HordeGoblin Shredder
Image of Goblin Shredder
Race Shredder (Humanoid)
Level 110 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Darkshore
Goblin Shredder Flying War of the Thorns.jpg
War of the Thorns
The subject of this article or section took place during the War of the Thorns, the Battle for Azeroth pre-launch event.

Goblin Shredders are shredders located in Darkshore during the War of the Thorns. They accompanied Sylvanas Windrunner from the Twilight Vale into the Grove of the Ancients, the Twilight Shore, and the Blackwood Den. They are also seen at the Ruins of Mathystra.


  • Flame Jet

Objective of

Patch changes

External links