Glop, Son of Glop

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NeutralGlop, Son of Glop
Start Ruberick [59.6, 14.1]
End Ruberick [59.6, 14.1]
Level 30-35
Type Daily
Category Deepholm
Experience 54900
Reputation +350 Therazane
Rewards 17g 20s
Shareable Yes


Fungalmancer Glop
The Shroomgroomer himself.

Speak to Earthmender Norsala, then kill Fungalmancer Glop.


Glop had a son. In his grave hubris, he named it Glop. And so the line of fungalmancers continues.

I require you to slay this new fungalmancer. Your shaman ally has already returned, and awaits you at his cave in the southwest of Verlok Stand.


You will receive: 17g 20s


To this day, I do not understand how the filthy stone troggs breed so quickly. Perhaps it is better that it is left that way.


Perhaps one day, we shall slay these stone troggs more swiftly than they can breed, and in so doing, end the line of fungalmancers forever.

In time.



Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2010-12-21): Quest credit for killing Fungalmancer Glop should now be awarded to all players on his threat list.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.

External links