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Fungalophobia is a quest achievement earned for killing Fungalmancer Glop without taking any damage from his Boomshrooms, on the Therazane revered daily quest N [30-35 Daily] Glop, Son of Glop.


Head southeast from Therazane's Throne in Deepholm across the Verlok Stand. The mouth of the Fungal Deep can be found at [68.5, 28.9] and Norsala is further inside.


Start the event by talking to Norsala, then follow Glop through the cave, either by steering clear of the Boomshrooms he throws or killing them before they blow up. They only have a few thousand health.

If you have some type of instant-cast AoE (Such as [Arcane Explosion]), you can use that to destroy the Boomshrooms and hurt Fungalmancer Glop at the same time.


Patch changes

See also

External links