Glittering Scarab (quest)

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NeutralGlittering Scarab
Start  [Glittering Scarab]
End High Commander Kamses
Level 10-50
Category Island Expedition
Experience 8,230
Rewards  [Radiant Azerite Fragment] (700x [Azerite])
11g 70s


Bring the scarab to High Commander Kamses in Uldum.


<A magical trinket found on a tol'vir spellcaster, it appears to augment their casting abilities. It seems to be very old, but is nearly pristine in form. The tol'vir of Uldum may know more about the sudden appearance of the Amathet.>


You will receive:


<The scarab catches Kamses' eye.>

I see you have met the Amathet.

The wound in the world has unearthed new tombs, and from one they emerged.

They speak little to us, believing us betrayers of our sacred duties. They believe that they, stewards of the titans, should control the Azerite.

Worse, when they realized that Rajh and the others were slain, they constructed their own, new keepers.

They must have an active forge.

I will give you what Azerite we have, be careful, they are dangerous.

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