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Glimmerdust, As Jaina

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MobGlimmerdust, As Jaina
No image available
Title <A Magic Ice Princess>
Gender Female
Race Faerie (Humanoid)
Level 60
61 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Star Lake Amphitheater, Ardenweald

Glimmerdust, As Jaina is a performance of Jaina Proudmoore by Glimmerdust, a faerie actor, at the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald. She can be seen during the Night Fae-only quest N [60] What's My Motivation?.

She's also one of several rare mobs that can be summoned by using the Night Fae Covenant's Anima Conductor to channel anima to Dreamsong Fenn, then speaking to Dapperdew at the Star Lake Amphitheater. Characters of any covenant can help defeat her once she's been summoned.


Rare mob
  • Ability mage rayoffrost.png Glacial Ray — Channels a ray of intense cold, inflicting Frost damage every 1 sec in a line and freezing any enemy hit.

Notable drops

Rare mob

Criteria of

Rare mob


Main article: What's My Motivation?#Notes


Patch changes

External links

What's My Motivation? Rare mob