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Image of Dapperdew
Title <Stage Director>
Gender Male
Race Faerie (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Star Lake Amphitheater, Ardenweald [41.5, 44.8]
Status Active

Dapperdew is the stage director of Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald. Members of the Night Fae Covenant who have channeled anima to Dreamsong Fenn may speak with him to summon one of the bosses they previously fought during the  [Night Fae Campaign]. Defeat all seven of the resummoned bosses to earn the achievement  [Ardenweald's a Stage].


Alas, woe!
Ah, my friend. I hunger. Not for food or drink, at least not the kind you are familiar with. I hunger for food of the spirit! The creative arts, that stir us to heights higher than the fiercest of faeries can fly!
Oh, but the drought has stifled our creativity. Instead, we must toil for our very survival.
But tell me, can life without art truly be worth surviving?
During questing
Oh, what a glorious day for inspiration! My heart sings with the song of creation! My wings are aflutter with the artistic possibilities racing through my mind! It truly is a miracle that we have enough anima that I am allowed to create once again.
Long have I toiled, and I know that I have created a performance that will shake the very roots of Ardenweald. Would you like to see it? The power of my passions?

Gossip If you insist. The show must go on!

Dapperdew yells: Attention, fellow lovers of the arts! Through the generous patronage of <name>, I am pleased to announce a new performance shall begin shortly in Star Lake Amphitheater!
Dapperdew yells: In this brilliant display of theatre, one of our own players will transform before your very eyes into a mighty foe from another realm, ready to do battle with anyone brave enough to challenge them!
Dapperdew yells: Remember, it is through the support of our patrons and viewers like you that we have anima enough to pursue the creative arts! And now, without further ado....
  • Argus
Dapperdew yells: Argus, the Unmaker! They sought to create a Death Titan, knowing full well that Death falls under the purview of the Shadowlands and our illustrious Queen! This clearly would not do, so the adventurers struck out to achieve the impossible: to slay a world itself!
  • Azshara
Dapperdew yells: Ruling from the depths beneath the waves, the once-beautiful Queen Azshara assailed her foes! After luring them into her palace she used her courtly wiles and her impressive number of tentacles to strike at them! Yes, queen!
  • Gul'dan
Dapperdew yells: Gul'dan, leader of the Shadow Council! "But how has he returned? Where did he come from?" they asked! But the real question was: WHEN did he come from? And what was so great about his skull?
  • Jaina
Dapperdew yells: Jaina Proudmoore, Lord Admiral and queen of ice! Her icy winds were as diamond dust, freezing her foes until the very blood in their veins could move no longer! Thus were her enemies slain, figureheads on her arcane battleship!
  • Kil'jaeden
Dapperdew yells: Kil'jaeden, the Deceiver! Nobody remembers who Jaeden is, but perhaps that was all part of his deception? The battle took place in the Twisting Nether itself, which is the most deceptive of dimensions, as we all know!
  • N'Zoth
Dapperdew yells: N'zoth, the Corruptor! Its eyes--and fish!--were everywhere, infecting the entire world of Azeroth! Who could you trust? Which fish were safe to eat? To this day, nobody knows the full extent of its evil!
  • Xavius
Dapperdew yells: Xavius, the fallen almost-sylvar! Councillor to Azshara herself, he embraced the corruption of the Emerald Nightmare and brought ruin to his former people! Behold the power of his fearsome night terrors!


Dapperdew says: A spectacular performance by all involved! What a thrilling battle! Why, it spurs me to even greater creative heights! Well done, everyone!

Patch changes

External links