Ghoulish Effigy

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For the Classic quest, see A [27] Ghoulish Effigy.
AllianceGhoulish Effigy
Start Abercrombie [87.4, 35.2]
End Abercrombie [87.4, 35.2]
Level 10-30
Category Duskwood
Experience 1750
Rewards 14s
Previous A [10-30] Ogre Thieves
Next A [10-30] Note to the Mayor


Gather 7 Ghoul Ribs from Fetid Corpses at Manor Mistmantle.


Out here on the outskirts of town, it's a wonder the walking dead haven't eaten me! In fact, just yesterday a pack of ghouls was pounding on the walls of my tower!

I want to make an effigy - a kind of "scarecrow" for ghouls. To do that I need some ghoul ribs. You can find plenty of them on the fetid corpses wandering Manor Mistmantle's grounds, north of Darkshire...

Get the ribs for me, and I will repay you with some coin.


You will receive:

  • 14s
  • 1750 XP


I'm sure you could find plenty of ribs in Raven Hill as well, but you might not want to wander so far at night...


Ah, thanks. These will do just the trick!



  1. (Optional breadcrumb) A [10-30] The Hermit
  2. A [10-30] Supplies from Darkshire
  3. A [10-30] Ghost Hair Thread
  4. A [10-30] Return the Comb
  5. A [10-30] Deliver the Thread
  6. A [10-30] Zombie Juice
  7. A [10-30] Gather Rot Blossoms
  8. A [10-30] Juice Delivery
  9. A [10-30] Ogre Thieves
  10. A [10-30] Ghoulish Effigy
  11. A [10-30] Note to the Mayor
  12. A [10-30] The Embalmer's Revenge

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