Genn Greymane's Coin

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  • Genn Greymane's Coin
  • "A single shared goal does not erase the atrocities committed by the Forsaken."
  • Sell Price: 1g

Genn Greymane's Coin is fished from the fountain in Dalaran at the Broken Isles.

Criteria of


Genn Greymane is the King of Gilneas and the worgen of the Alliance. Gilneas was invaded by the Forsaken soon after the Cataclysm in a bid to conquer it, and while they were repelled, the Forsaken still managed to inflict lasting damage, including Sylvanas Windrunner killing Genn's son Liam. While the Alliance and the Horde were fighting together against the third invasion of the Burning Legion during the time of Legion, Genn has not forgotten what the Forsaken have done, which would eventually culminate in Genn destroying the Soulcage to deny Sylvanas the ability to create val'kyr to serve her.

Patch changes

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