Gearing Up (Alliance)

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AllianceGearing Up
Start Owynn Graddock
End Owynn Graddock
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Garrison Campaign
Experience 15,070
Rewards 15g 40s
Previous A [40] Out of the Chains
Next A [40] Seeking the Truth
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40] Gearing Up.


Obtain Owynn's Dagger, Mace, and Gear.


When I was captured they took my gear and left me in rags. My mace is being used to crack stones and they're even using me best dagger as a dinner fork! I'd hate to know what happened to me armor but I hope its still usable.

I'll need a wee bit to recover from me wounds and without my stuff I'm no help in a fight. Could ye go find my gear for me?

Last I saw my armors in a chest next to that big tower south of here, my dagger was to the south west, and my mace over near that lava field to the west.


Just need a bit of a refresher, being beat up by ogres makes ye a little sore. Who knew?


Thank ye, looks like everything's still in good shape. Just give me a moment to put this on.


You will also receive: 15g 40s


  • 15,070


  1. A [40] Garrison Campaign: The Search for Owynn Graddock / H [40] Garrison Campaign: The Search for Shadow Hunter Bwu'ja
  2. B [40] Out of the Chains
  3. B [40] Gearing Up
  4. B [40] Seeking the Truth
  5. B [40] The Shadow Gate
  6. B [40] Cleansing the Souls & B [40] The Totems That Bind
  7. B [40] Soulgrinder Survivor

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