Seeking the Truth (Alliance)

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AllianceSeeking the Truth
Start Owynn Graddock
End Owynn Graddock
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Garrison Campaign
Experience 15,070
Rewards 15g 40s
Previous A [40] Out of the Chains
Next A [40] The Shadow Gate
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40] Seeking the Truth.


Locate Borgal Doomfist.


Okay, now down to business.

The Bloodmaul have unearthed some monstrous artifact I've heard them call the  [Soulgrinder]. It's a nasty bit o' sorcery that their chief uses to give himself incredible magical power, but it comes at the cost of needing to feed upon souls to maintain it. Every day, more and more corpses pile up from the slaves killed to maintain it.

We need to go find Borgal and get rid of this Soulgrinder!


Secluded cave across the lava, check.

Creepy piles o' bones, check.

Okay, this looks like the place. We're gonna have to watch ourselves, I'll bet Borgal isn't here alone.


You will also receive: 15g 40s


  • 15,070


  1. A [40] Garrison Campaign: The Search for Owynn Graddock / H [40] Garrison Campaign: The Search for Shadow Hunter Bwu'ja
  2. B [40] Out of the Chains
  3. B [40] Gearing Up
  4. B [40] Seeking the Truth
  5. B [40] The Shadow Gate
  6. B [40] Cleansing the Souls & B [40] The Totems That Bind
  7. B [40] Soulgrinder Survivor

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