Gas Guzzlers (Horde)

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HordeGas Guzzlers
Start Morketh Bladehowl
End Morketh Bladehowl
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 14250
Rewards [Garrison Resources]
Previous H [20-40] Unleashed Steel
Next H [20-40] Going to the Gordunni
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [20-40] Gas Guzzlers.


Obtain 6 samples of Goren Gas from Glowgullet Shardshedders and Glowgullet Devourers within Kuuro's Claim.


<Sir/Ma'am>, to make the best equipment for your arsenal I need not only the best materials, but to use the best techniques.

Over the years I've developed a method to greatly strengthen my metal, but it does require an exotic resource: goren gut gas!

The nearby mine at Kuuro's Claim just came down with an infestation of the things. Could you collect a few samples for the arsenal supplies? Just kill a few goren and give their bodies a good prod with this gas extractor.


You will receive:


Fasciniating, isn't it? The gas is extremely corrosive to almost anything.


Thank you boss, this is just what I needed.

By the way, Goren gas is rather difficult to come by. We should probably hold off on clearing those guys out till we can stockpile enough.

Just a thought.


Pick up H [20-40] Out of Jovite and H [20-40] Iridium Recovery before heading out.

Exit the garrison to the east past Sharptusk Lake to reach Kuuro's Claim. Enter the mine and start killing goren and geodes. Make sure to use the quest item on the goren corpses to get quest credit for Gas Guzzlers! Jovite Ore is blue-green and on the mine walls.

Stick to the southern wall of the mine to get to the upper level, where at [78.2, 14.7] all the way in the back, is a pile of Pure Crystal Dust. The dust contains an  [Iridium Inlaid Band].


  1. B [20-40] The Quarry Quandary
  2. A [20-40] In Ared's Memory / H [20-40] Unleashed Steel
  3. Complete all of:
  4. B [20-40] Going to the Gordunni
  5. B [20-40] Dropping Bombs
  6. Complete all of:
  7. B [20-40] The Lord of the Gordunni
  8. B [20-40] The Only Way to Travel
  9. B [20-40] Armor Up (optional)

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