Going to the Gordunni (Horde)

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HordeGoing to the Gordunni
Start Morketh Bladehowl
End Morketh Bladehowl [62.6, 67.9]
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 1450
Rewards 1g 30s
Previous H [20-40] Out of Jovite, H [20-40] Iridium Recovery, H [20-40] Gas Guzzlers
Next H [20-40] Dropping Bombs
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [20-40] Going to the Gordunni.


Travel to Gordal Fortress and meet up with Morketh Bladehowl.


We have a good supply of jovite in the arsenal now but there just isn't enough of the material in the mine to keep us in stock for long. Down south of here there's a mountain that's just full of the stuff but there's one problem; Ogres!

The Gordunni live on top of that mountain and they have begun trading the jovite to the Iron Horde.

We need to go down there and secure the minerals for ourselves.

I'll pack some supplies and meet you near their fortress down south.


You will receive: 1g 30s


I crafted a few things before we left that we may need: some bombs, a grappling hook, even was able to get one of the goblins to get a spare rocket pack.

I'm sure we'll find a use for everything.


  • 1450 XP


Before exiting camp, some side quests have opened up: Shadow Hunter Kajassa starts B [20-40] One Step Ahead, starting the "The Battle for Shattrath" chapter of the Talador storyline, and Beastmaster Tagh has some bounties available. Consider picking up those quests, as Morketh has moved to the opposite side of the zone, way down to the south.


  1. B [20-40] The Quarry Quandary
  2. A [20-40] In Ared's Memory / H [20-40] Unleashed Steel
  3. Complete all of:
  4. B [20-40] Going to the Gordunni
  5. B [20-40] Dropping Bombs
  6. Complete all of:
  7. B [20-40] The Lord of the Gordunni
  8. B [20-40] The Only Way to Travel
  9. B [20-40] Armor Up (optional)

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